


Area for both members and non-members to enjoy the food/drink offered by our franchisee, Auld Nine Restaurant & Bar.

All members, guests and visitors are welcome in the clubhouse lounge. Jeans are acceptable in the clubhouse, but football colours are not permitted. Golf shoes with spikes should not be worn in the lounge.

Lounge Hire

Members are able to hire the clubhouse lounge and receive a 50% discount.

The Lounge Hire full price is £60 for 2 hours, for funerals, parties etc.

Catering to be agreed with catering franchise.

Email Logan Robertson at auldnine@robertsonhospitality.co.uk for any booking enquiries


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Members Lounge

There is a small Members only (and member’s guest) lounge in the clubhouse.

Please use this area if the main lounge is booked for a private function, or if it is full.

Spikes can be worn in this lounge.

Order food and drinks from the bar.


Practice Putting Green

Chipping to the putting green is strictly forbidden.

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Practice Net 

All shots must be from the practice mat provide.

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Locker Rooms

Male and Female locker rooms are in the clubhouse and while every effort is made to ensure they are secure, items are left at the owners’ risk. Lockers are available to hire, email the membership secretary at admin@cupargolf.co.uk

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